Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What a week...

So glad to finally be home tonight! It's been a long and crazy day, but over all it hasn't been too bad.
On with Micah (You will soon see that he's all I talk about... he's my world!) so the last post was that we moved little man to his big boy bed... well he made it all through the night and did not get up one time... IT WAS GREAT!!! I was so proud of him, but at the same time it broke my heart. It seems like yesterday that he fully depended on Jacob and I, and now he is able to sleep in his own big boy bed. We have always heard the phase that you can blink and they are grown, well I finally believe it! It's crazy to me how much he has changed just over the past few weeks!
Well tonight after class I had to make a run to Toys R Us to buy bed rails to go up because last night he ended up face down on the hard wood floor during the night! It scared the crap out of me, but he was fine! I felt so bad I just let him sleep with us, boy was that a mistake. He tossed and turned and kicked and knocked! I'm almost positive that he was up more than he was asleep!
But anyways, my hubby is waiting to curl up and watch "The Ugly Truth" so I'm get going! Much love to all!

Monday, November 9, 2009

I just took this picture, he must of really had a long day with Nana, PawPaw, and aunt Jamie... He's so sweet!!

(This was taken Friday, Nov. 6th at the Murray City park. The reason I chose this quote was because he loved going down the slide, but he couldn't work up the nerve to do it by himself. When he would get to the bottom of the slide, he would look up at it just as he is in the picture.)

I was almost positive the day was not going to come to an end and I could finally be home with my little man waiting for Jake to get home! Today did not start out the best but it has ended pretty well... I was not sure how much more God was going to put on me... but he had mercy finally after I tapped out and gave it to him. It's funny how after I did that, things started looking up. However that's usually where he likes to get us so that we know we can't do it on our own... which is my main problem. I tend to try to "fix" things on my own and how I want them, and sometimes I don't always consider that God has it all in his hands and does things on his own time and sees the whole picture.

Anyways... I just got home from picking up little man for his Nana and PawPaw's house. He spent the night out there last night so Jake and I could have some "us" time (which did not go how I thought it would... AT ALL). We are so blessed to have family around that will help us out! I don't know what we would do without them!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm new to this....

Well I have decided to take up blogging simply because I want to take the time to write down my thoughts and memories after a long day. Micah has started to become a true little boy and I want to be able to look back at the days gone by and recall the changes he has made day by day. My goal is to take the time to write everyday and post at least one picture from that day. I'm not sure how well I will be able to do this, but I'm going to try. As of right now, working full time, taking 16 hours of night classes, all while being a mom and wife, does not leave me much me time at the end of a long day. Things will slow down come December, and I'm looking forward to that more than words could express!